Terms and responsibilities

Information for participants

To secure a place on a course, the course fee must be paid no later than three days before the start of the course.

Terms and responsibilities
Climbing and skiing can involve risk. Incidents can occur even if the guide strives to ensure safety on the trip or course.
All travel is at your own risk in consultation with the guide.
It is recommended that participants take out travel insurance if you do not already have it. Participation in mountain sports events involves a risk of accidents and damage to people and equipment.
Tindeliv assumes no financial obligations as a result of damage to people or equipment, unless the accident or mishap is due to gross negligence on the part of the guide.

The trip/course will be adapted to the group’s conditions and wishes (physical fitness, skills, experience and equipment).
At the start of the trip or course, a clarification of expectations will be carried out.
In order for the guide to be able to ensure the safety of the group, all participants must comply with the agreements made in the group.
Each participant is requested to inform the guide of any illnesses or ailments that may be relevant to safety during the event. This can be done in advance of the course or at the latest at the start of the course/tour.

If the guide becomes ill or is prevented from holding the course or arranging the tour, Tindeliv is obliged to find another guide, or offer the tour/course at another time by agreement with the participant. If this is not a good solution for the participant, Tindeliv is obliged to refund the course fee.