Avalanche course in Hemsedal

It is the skitouring companions who can save lives in the event of an avalanche accident. With an avalanche course, your are prepared for to avoid an avalanche hazard and learn how to save lifes in an avalanche.

Hemsedal is ouer lokal mountains. We have worked with avalanche course and training for the Mountain rescue, Police and backcountry skiiers for several decades. From the work in the airambulance service and mountain rescue we have long knowledge avanche rescue.

The course iruns over two days outside in the mountains. We start inside planing the skitour, learn how to read the actul avalanche warningng and weatherforcast befor we head outside to learn and practise. You get more pleasure and greater security on your trips by gaining increased knowledge about route selection, what affects the risk of avalanches and interpretation of avalanche warnings..

  • Tour planning: were can we find safe routs today?
  • Avelanche risk assessment: What is avalanche terrain? How to use Varsom-appen
  • Route choice for the trip up, and route choice for the descent
  • What should you have in your backpack?
  • How to find your touring frinds in an avalanche sitution. Propper training in using avalnanche safety eqipmen: avelanche beacons, avalanche probe and shoufle
  • First aid in an avalanche situation

If you shuld happen to bee in an Avalanche situation it can bee lifesaving to bee well prepared. That is why we conduct a thorough review of, and training and rescue.

We recommend to participate the course with a friend if possible.


Du må ha bekledning og utstyr for en dag ute i vinterfjellet:

  • basck counryski or splitboard
  • skinns
  • backpack
  • mapp and comass
  • googles /sunglases
  • Lunch pack for a day ouside and hot beverag og drikke for en dag ute
  • avalenche beacon *
  • avalanche probe *
  • shovel*
  • *We provide avanche safety gear for free if you need


Desember – mars
Kurs hver helg i januar og februar 2024


2 dager

Antall personer

Min. 4 personer
maks. 8 personer


3.000,- per pers

Grupper og firma kan be om tilbud på forespørsel.

Under kurset graver vi i snøen for å se på de ulike snølagene. foto: Tindeliv arkiv
Vi øver på å grave ut personer fra skred foto: Tindeliv arkiv
Husk at det er dine turkamerater som kan redde deg om du havner i et skred. foto: Tindeliv arkiv
Du lærer noe om testheng på skredkurs foto: Tindeliv arkiv